WHERE: Northern India & West Nepal
WHAT: We will provide free medical and dental care to 800 poverty stricken, illiterate children being schooled by Raj Ministries, support domestically abused women that have been left destitute because they had a baby girl or didn’t bring enough dowry or were widowed. Raj Ministries helps them learn dyeing threads and weaving skills to make bags for sale to support themselves. We will also help tribal girls from Nepal and then work in the remote areas of Far West Nepal. All boarding and lodging would be provided at the campus including hot meals, laundry, internet and hot showers as there are no hotels there.
We will end our time there with a few “fun days” at a spa in Nepal followed by the one and only Taj Mahal in Agar before flying back to New Delhi and then, back home.
WHO: Youth Groups, College Students, Families and Adults. Non-Medical volunteers are ALWAYS needed and welcomed!
WHEN: October 8- October 18, 2018
COST: $3500
To get signed up simply complete the two following tasks: 1. Click the “Apply Now” tab and complete your participant application, then 2. Click the “Donate/Payment” tab to place your deposit of $800 to secure your spot.
WHY: To support Raj Ministries in their work with the impoverished communities of Northern India and West Nepal.