Rick Beckwith
Rick Beckwith has served on the staff of Young Life in a variety of roles since 1982. After 12 years as an area director, Rick was sent to Europe for a year to consult and train leaders in how to most effectively introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ and help them grow in their faith as they engage in the local church. Upon his return, Rick became the director of strategic growth and training for the eastern division of the US. He then served as the National Director of WyldLife, Young Life’s program for middle school kids. That role was followed by two years serving as the Vice President of Field Initiatives for Young Life Corporation. Rick is now back on the field side of the mission as the Young Life Senior Regional Director for Metropolitan Washington DC. He loves working hands-on with forty full time staff and the hundreds of faithful volunteer leaders they represent. Rick earned his B.A. from Denison University and M.A. from Fuller Theological Seminary.
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